The Hotel Lindenhof in Borken is located right in the center of the district town. The city center is just a few steps from here.
Not least because of this fact, the hotel has been part of Borken's cityscape since the turn of the century.
However, as a result of private changes by the owners, the hotel had to close its doors in February 2019 after its long history.
It was all the more gratifying that they were able to continue the history of the hotel here with a Borken investor.
After the purchase of the property, a number of concepts were tested to investigate the feasibility of this location. At the same time, talks were initiated with potential operators. Always with the aim of setting up a hotel business here that can continue the previous family structures.
In order to be able to think about the options in all directions, our office was commissioned to plan the concept of a new building.
The objectives were a hotel with 80 guest beds, a central entrance area to be able to access the two wings within short distances and an attractive area for indoor and outdoor catering.
The result is a distinctive urban building which, thanks to the five gabled fronts, is based on the five remaining city towers of the medieval fortifications.